Thursday, September 26, 2013

Storytelling in the Age of Digital, Mobile and Social

The best stories are the ones that have not yet been told.  And, regardless of how, a great story is always shared.

During Advertising Week’s “Storytelling in the Age of Digital, Mobile & Social,” Buzzfeed uncovers insights into great storytelling that will further compel people to share our content. Below outlines key insights from the keynote.

Think of Advertising Beyond an Ad Message
·         Consumers receive more and more ads and messages each day – consider ways to break through that feel like a part of the customer’s daily activities through telling a story versus sending a message
·         Storytelling is now two-way:  we are just shouting if we aren’t having a conversation
Stories are Not Technology Dependent
·         Evaluate the story we as a brand want to tell
·         Then think about the audience of the story – where are they? What is their behavior? How do they share

Stories are Not Platform Dependent
·         Different platforms should continue the same story
·         Each technology and platform serves its own purpose serving a different chapter in the same story
o   Banner ads focus on the quick click and engagement
o   TV can focus more on emotion and visuals
o   Social can be more targeted and personal

3 Principles of Great Brand Stories:
1.       Inspired by Insights
a.       Know the “why” of the brand (see this TedX video for the “Why”) and the audience
b.      Balance the intersection of brand needs and consumer wants
c.       Be authentic and transparent to truly bring out the human insight and brand truth
2.       Social at the Core/Social by Design
a.       Stories are not about You, not about us, and not about the brand.  Stories are about the audience
b.      Maintain an “always on” storytelling strategy (not just on social.. but balancing all mediums) as shareable and shapeable experiences
c.       Surprise and delight
3.       Fearless (they are not reckless)
a.       Keep the story at the heart
b.      Amplify and surround the story
c.       Own it, champion it and stand behind it (knowing it may fail)
                                                               i.      Take risks – the best stories are the ones that haven’t been told

For additional reference,  “Why Agencies and Brands Need to Embrace True Storytelling” . 

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